Losing Her (Lost and Found Book 1) Page 14
She reached one hand behind her and ran it along my already hardened penis through my boxers. This time I moaned. She cupped my length and stroked up and down before pulling away and rubbing her ass against it. I pushed my hips forward, aching to be inside her again. She was wearing nothing but cotton underwear and a t-shirt, something I’d come to know as possibly more sexy than her being completely in the nude. I liked the way I could read her arousal through the shirt and how one touch against her pussy would dampen the soft fabric.
I slid my hand up underneath the shirt, cupping her breast. Her nipple hardened instantly, the flat part of her areola ridging at my touch.
Her back arched as she let out a breathy moan, pushing her ass harder against me. I knew she was ready for me.
She was always ready for me.
In seconds, my boxers and her panties were off and pushed to the foot of the bed and I was stretching her legs apart so I could push
my way inside of her. She arched again, opening herself up to me. It was a tight fit and I had to grit my teeth and focus on not losing control right away. Her slick cunt gripped and pulled me in until I was all the way inside, her ass cheeks resting against my groin.
She whimpered, “You’re so big.”
I kissed her neck, just below her ear, “You okay, baby?”
She nodded, “Mmhmm. It feels so good.”
“I know it does baby. Your pussy is perfect,” I groaned.
I pulled my hips back and gently thrust forward, filling her again.
This time we both breathed a moan together. I worked a slow and steady rhythm of pumping in and out of her. Knowing we were going to be apart for awhile, I wanted her body to ache for me, the same way I knew I would for her.
My hand slid back up under her shirt, my palm splayed across her belly, holding onto her as I rocked in and out of her. She gasped loudly when I kissed her neck. My mouth and my cock possessing her wholly. I loved the way we felt together. She was small and fragile in my hands, but she opened herself up and took all of my manhood without reservation.
Pumping in and out of her this way took every ounce of will-power not to come. She had a vice-like grip on me laying on her side, so I pulled out of her, rolling her onto her back so I could look at her face.
She licked her lips, a ghost of a smile in her eyes as she watched me hover over her briefly before I slid back into her. I tossed my head back, eyes closed, savoring how sweet and tight she was.
“Fuuuck.” I gritted my teeth. She responded back with her own strangled moan.
Her hips thrust to meet mine as we picked up the rhythm we’d had before. Her arms clasped around my neck and she reached up, lips pursed, as if she was begging for a kiss. I obliged, touching my mouth
to hers. Our lips parted and her velvety tongue pushed forward to dance with mine. Every part of her was soft and yielding to me, and I fucking loved it.
“So good,” she groaned softly.
Good didn’t even begin to describe it. The way we felt together was magic. And as cliché as it sounded, I’d never felt anything this good. Our bodies were slick with sweat as we moved together. Fucking hell I could get used to this.
No. I couldn’t.
That brief moment of clarity stilled me for a second. Just long enough for me, but not enough for her to notice. She was lost in her pleasure, moaning and writhing beneath me. Her eyes closed tightly, her face contorted in a look that could only be described as pain and pleasure together. Seeing her that way, knowing it was because I was buried deep inside of her pulled me back to the present.
I let my eyes wander down her body, down to where we were joined and back up to her face. Her swollen lips, her flushed skin, the sexy way her hair was splayed on the pillow around her.
I took her mouth again, “You… are fucking unbelievable.” I said against her lips.
She moaned, arching her back and pressing herself to me. Her full breasts against my hard chest while we kissed stirred the rhythm in my hips as I pushed deeper inside of her.
Her head tossed back, “Baby?”
“Mmm?” I murmured against her neck, licking and sucking her there.
“You feel so damn good.”
I didn’t even try to stop the smile that crept over my face.
Making her feel good was my only concern at the moment. Our bodies
moved in tandem to the steady, pulsating beat that we created. The way we fucked becoming its own music. My favorite sound to hear.
I rocked back a bit, moving to my knees and lifting her legs up in the air, readjusting our position so her pussy was angled just so. My cock spurred deeper, somehow reaching new depths within her. The change in position ignited a fire within her. She gasped, the moment she realized a new sense of pleasure becoming clear as day on her face.
Her mouth dropped open, her brows lifted, though her eyes stayed closed.
“Oh my god,” she cried out. I picked up the pace, thrusting faster. “You’re so deep!”
I thrusted harder now. Desperate for release. That tiny spark, spurring me towards orgasm, started deep in my balls and I was chasing it now. The harder I pushed, the more she tightened around me.
“Fuuuck baby,” I grunted.
“D-Derrick. I’m gonna..” she started. But the words fizzled out as she moaned loudly. The sound bounced off the walls, echoing through the large space. She had long let go of me and her hands gripped the sheets underneath her. Her body bowed upward toward me and I buried my face in her neck, feeling my own orgasm building as her sex clenched around mine.
I panted against her, thrusting deep and hard and fast until I had nothing to hold back. A shiver rippled through my entire body, starting in my lower back and rushing forward, overwhelming me. I emptied myself into her, spurting hot and thick into her still pulsating cunt.
It was hard as hell to pull the sheets back, untangle myself from her soft warmth, and leave her apartment. I’d spent nearly every second with her the last two days and I was starting to forget what life was like without her. So when she informed me about the dress fitting with Rosa,
I felt dejected, knowing I’d have to return to my normal life, even if for a short time.
I hated that I was lying to her.
Photos of her flipped by on my computer screen as I pressed the arrow continuously. I was torturing myself, staring at her this way.
Photos of her leaving a grocery store, standing on the front stoop of her apartment, flipping through her mail, smiling as she walked the streets of Cold Spring. I paused on one particular photo. She was just outside the cafe. Where it all began.
It was before I had met her in person, and one of the only times her hair was in its natural curly state since she had left home. She had taken to wearing it straight since going into hiding, but for some reason she’d chosen to wear her hair pulled back, only a few tendrils framing her face and neck.
There was a smile on her lips and her eyes were closed. I had snapped the photo just in time to catch her expression. She looked serene and peaceful, and not at all tortured about being away from everything she ever knew.
Guilt racketed through me. I was facilitating the process of dragging her back to that life that she had intentionally escaped. I pushed the arrow, flipping to the next photo, not wanting to think about it. In the next one, she was walking away from the cafe but the smile was still on her face. She was radiant and carefree and I remember being so curious about the woman on the other side of my lens.
It was hard to believe that this was the same woman I’d been with only hours ago. The same woman who’s sweetness still vibrated on my tongue. Who had cried my name out loudly over and over as she dug her nails into my skin at the peak of her orgasm. The day I’d snapped those photos, I was practiced in the art of ignoring any and all
attractions to anyone. My heart had long been closed off and I was strictly focused on my professional goals.
Alina had shaken that tough exterior up and
ripped it apart. In just a matter of days. I tried to imagine how I’d be able to move on once this assignment was up. What would happen after Jason and her parents got the information they needed and decided to bring me back to the coast? What would happen once the year was up and my contract was over? How the hell would I move on from her?
I wasn’t foolish to believe that I was in love with her. Certainly not this soon, but I knew my life wouldn’t be the same without her.
What if we tried to be together? I allowed myself the moment to think about what we could be. Would she want to stay here in Cold Spring or would she come back to Jersey with me? What would she think of my job? And could I get rid of her— the one person hellbent on destroying me?
The ringing of my phone on my desk pulled at my attention.
“Derrick Williams,” I answered.
“Derrick, it’s me.”
I exhaled, feeling my facial expression droop slightly. It would be him. His cool voice over the phone instantly irritated me, but I kept up my professionalism.
“Of course. What can I do for you, Jason?”
“Calling for another update on our little project.”
My brow furrowed at the tone of his voice. The way he referenced Alina in conversation sparked a bit of fury within me. That protective instinct I’d come to know well.
“I wasn’t set to update you for another couple of days,” I replied, flatly.
“Well I want one now,” he said coolly, knowing that I couldn’t deny him the information he sought out. Technically, he was my boss. I
wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I knew I couldn’t do that either. A distorted memory flashed in my brain, reminding me of why I was here in the first place.
“Very well then.”
I clicked on her file, pulling up a few documents for reference,
“As I said before, she’s here in Cold Spring,” I began.
“I’m going to need that address.”
My jaw tightened. This was what I didn’t want to give him, but I couldn’t place a finger on exactly why. “I was sending that over in the information you would receive in a few days.”
“Send it today,” he said, his tone ringing of finality.
I counted my ragged breaths to steady my rising temper. This man brought out my anger every time we interacted lately.
“Will do,” I ground out. “She’s got one close friend, her next door neighbor, Rosa. She spends a decent amount of her time with her. Other than that, her life is pretty run of the mill. She goes to the grocery store, the flower shop, museums, parties, random walks. She's pretty typical.”
I thought back to a few days ago, me dragging her out of Rosa’s party, damn near cave man style to protect her from that asshole who’d tried to drug her. I opened my mouth to mention it, but closed it thinking better of it. Jason wasn't someone I trusted yet.
“Sounds like she’s finally getting what she’s always bitched and moaned about,” he retorted back, distractedly as if he was talking more to himself than to me.
Another deep breath. Remember your why.
“I spoke to her about the event you mentioned.”
“And?” his interest piqued.
“She will be there.”
“Hmm. Good,” he paused, as if he was thinking, “and how, pray tell, did she react?”
“She actually brought it up. Apparently, Mrs. Prescott and her had words a few days ago and when I spoke to her afterwards, she mentioned the party. I encouraged her to go.”
There was that damn sound again.
“I’m surprised you two are that close,” Jason drawled out.
I swallowed, “You told me to get close to her. I’m just doing my job.”
Fuck me. I wasn’t just doing my job. I was doing way too much.
My thoughts drifted to earlier this morning waking up next to her. How quickly I’d rushed back to her place the night before. How she occupied every single thought I’d had in recent days. I was doing way too fucking much.
“Mmhmm,” he said thoughtfully, “Just don’t get carried away, Mr.
Williams. We can’t let Alina fall in love with you, now can we?”
I didn’t respond.
“Alina is,“ he paused, searching for the word, “special to me.
I’ve been in her life for most of it and I just want the best for her, like the rest of her family does as well. She’s her own worst enemy, that one.
And she’ll have you convinced that she’s in love with you, but she doesn’t know what’s best for her. We don’t want her getting hurt now, do we?”
“No we don’t. Listen you have a good day, Jason. I have work to do,” I ended the call, struggling to maintain the last shred of decency I had left.
My head fell into my hands. Fuck. I had royally fucked this one up. There was a reason I had the rules I did in this line of work. To avoid situations precisely like this one. I needed some clarity on this, and I
was usually pretty good about thinking through tough scenarios, but this one felt too big and too close to home. I was too emotionally invested to think straight.
I grabbed my cell phone and quickly dialed a number I’d memorized long ago. It barely started ringing when I heard the voice of my mentor on the other line.
“What is it Derrick?”
“Rod. What’s up man?” I said, breathing a sigh of relief at hearing his voice again, trying to sound casual.
“Cut the shit man, you only call me when you need something.
What is it?”
I chuckled. Rodney “Rod” Jackson was my first partner from years ago, when I had been a cop. That part of my life was short lived, but my relationship with Rodney had grown. He had been integral in my transition to investigating in the private sector. He had retired right after working with me for two years, but retired life hadn’t been exciting enough for him. After he started working in private investigating, he called me up to pull me to the other side.
“Why can’t I just call to see how my favorite mentor is doing?” I stalled.
“Fuck you man. You know how I’m doing,” he laughed.
That was true. Rod was always doing well. I never saw the man frown, let alone have a bad day. He always saw the good in every situation and I’d admired him for that. I could picture him now, sitting in his home office, working away on his computer. He was in his fifties now, with a bald head that he'd started sporting after realizing his hairline was receding. He had a thick beard that made him seem intimidating at first, but he was actually a real easy-going guy. I credit that one hundred percent to his wife, Leslie.
“And your beautiful wife?”
“Keep calling my wife beautiful and we’ll have problems.”
“You’re just worried she’ll realize what an old ass you are and she’ll come running to me,” I joked.
This was a routine we had. I’d call and ask about him and his wife and he would give me shit for it. Leslie was beautiful though. The two of them had just celebrated thirty years of marriage and she was still as stunning as the day she married the old fuck.
“You might be right. But I’d still kill you,” he laughed back, coaxing a laugh out of me.
“Ah,” I sighed, “I miss you man, for real.”
“I miss you too, kid. You need to come around more. We haven’t seen you since the anniversary party last year.”
“I’ve been working my ass off, man. I’m actually on assignment right now.”
“Is that what you’re calling about?”
“Yeah,” I paused, trying to figure out how to start the conversation. “I fucked up man.”
“That’s nothing new,” he said, lightheartedly.
“True. But this time it’s bad.” He didn’t interrupt or interject, he just let me talk. I told him about Alina and how I’d been following her in my usual routine when we met, and about going to dinner that night and spending virtually
every second together since. “Only now, I’m in too deep.”
“When you say too deep…” he started.
“Too. Deep,” I finished, making sure he understood what I meant.
“Fuck,” he groaned under his breath. “Who hired you?”
“The family. But I report to their personal PR guy. Real asshole.”
Thinking about Jason made my neck itch.
Rod made a contemplative sound over the line before exhaling, the air muffling the receiver, “Well, you’re fucked.”
I groaned, rubbing my forehead, “How do I fix it?”
“That depends kid. You know I don’t want details, but just how deep have you gotten?”